French dogs, are connoisseurs

Its true…..our noses are very keen and we have an elegance to our fashion. We are FRENCH! Allow me to explain…

Such style, French
We have BB, she loves us so much.
We have Chanel…and we wear it well
We sit on fancy chairs, so French
And everyone celebrates us while wearing funny bathing suits
We play football, the French way….some may call it soccer
We have very cool wooden toys

But most of all….its the food. French food is well known as the finest in the world.

Photo by Pixabay on
Photo by Rarnie McCudden on
Photo by Jennifer Murray on
Photo by Arminas Raudys on

Mom and Dad cook for me every night… tonight I had roasted chicken and carrots. Mom tries to sneak in green stuff but I can smell it.

Most of all, I love Pate…its delicious. Usually, I only can have a little as a treat. We buy a lot from outdoor markets (I go along to help choose stuff and lots of people pet me too). We have a big garden full of veg (I stay away from that stuff…unless I see a butterfly to chase).

I wish all my friends, lots of yummy food. Love Murphy Pedro