Introducing our new fren SOPHIE GAMAND

Photographer / Animal Advocate / SOPHIE GAMAND

SOPHIE GAMAND· My dream was to rebrand shelter dogs through beautiful, fun portraits. Since 2011, I have been volunteering my photography to shelters and rescues around the country. In the process, I have assisted over 1,500 dogs on their way home, and helped nonprofits raise hundreds of thousands of dollars. My most known project is Pit Bull Flower Power, a series of shelter pit bulls wearing flower crowns. I started the project in 2014, and published a large coffee table book in 2018. The book contains over 250 of these portraits, and many stories of these dogs. If you would like to support Sophie’s work, you can also join her Patreon (

Murphy – We like Sophie a lot and we support her efforts, she has Murphy’s luxury seal of approval. She is French from Lyon, now living in New York and using her amazing talent to help shelter dogs to be adopted, like me. Her ideas are beautiful, her heart is huge, she is very talented, thoughtful and she has wonderful products you will definitely wish to view on her site. Sophie has agreed for me to share with you some of her work below. We think you will be charmed by all that Sophie is doing…and she is so French. Sophie can be seen on our widget as well. Love Murphy

We wish all a beautiful day. Love Murphy

Sleepy today Frens

Good morning Frens…I sleepy…like this guy

Stay late and have so much fun…met new fren last night name Abernathy or BOO BOO, I just say him BOO like Halloween and try scare him. MMUURRRPPHHY behave…that Mom, sometime she make my name sound funny, I say BOO to Mom too, not too loud, she give food and XXXs. We had pupaccinos and treats oh and Bev, our good Fren talk about Rump in USA. Mom get headache, just kidding. I know behave. This is BOO BOO, so cute and soft.

Boo Boo Photo credit Ashley Adams

Boo Boo new Fren and must show him the ropes in my yard. Where hide bone, good place dig, best nuts under tree to munch, important stuff. Boo Boo brought nice hoomans Ashley, beautiful, famous executive TV producer and Johnny, incredible Artist and they fun too, pet me and play – we all like these hoomans.

Check out Johnny’s page on Facebook

Thought I share some funny stuff today as still sleepy…Love Murphy

I go back to sleep now…Enjoy Wednesday with big lick, Love Murphy

French dogs, are connoisseurs

Its true…..our noses are very keen and we have an elegance to our fashion. We are FRENCH! Allow me to explain…

Such style, French
We have BB, she loves us so much.
We have Chanel…and we wear it well
We sit on fancy chairs, so French
And everyone celebrates us while wearing funny bathing suits
We play football, the French way….some may call it soccer
We have very cool wooden toys

But most of all….its the food. French food is well known as the finest in the world.

Photo by Pixabay on
Photo by Rarnie McCudden on
Photo by Jennifer Murray on
Photo by Arminas Raudys on

Mom and Dad cook for me every night… tonight I had roasted chicken and carrots. Mom tries to sneak in green stuff but I can smell it.

Most of all, I love Pate…its delicious. Usually, I only can have a little as a treat. We buy a lot from outdoor markets (I go along to help choose stuff and lots of people pet me too). We have a big garden full of veg (I stay away from that stuff…unless I see a butterfly to chase).

I wish all my friends, lots of yummy food. Love Murphy Pedro